teaching and student supervision
I am currently looking for students interested in theses and projects related to the development and evaluation of explainable AI methods for audiovisual data. Please contact me if you have interest in working in this area.
Jonas Paletschek (in progress): Co-Constructing social signs of understanding to adapt monitoring to diversity, Bielefeld University
Jan Bleimling (in progress): Identifying Characteristics of Mental Disorder Phenotypes Using Unsupervised Machine Learning, Bielefeld University
Diana Finner (completed 2024): Cross-modal Retrieval of Emotional Vocalizations from Facial Expressions, Bielefeld University
Michele Nalli (completed 2023): Panson: An interactive sonification framework for real-time applications, Bielefeld University
Abdul Haq (completed 2021): Assessment and Evaluation of an Unsupervised Machine Learning Model for Automotive and Industrial NVH Applications, Fraunhofer IDMT
Jaydeep Chauhan (completed 2021): Multi-Scale Sound Event Detection, Fraunhofer IDMT
Julian Heinisch (completed 2023): Explaining Biases in AI for Facial Emotion Recognition, Bielefeld University
Jakob Kirner (completed 2020): Compressed Air Leakage Detection Using Acoustic Emissions with Neural Networks, Fraunhofer IDMT
Bielefeld University
Explainable AI for Affective Computing
Seminar Leader
Hot Topics in Multimodal Behavior Processing (Journal Club)
Seminar Leader
University of Victoria
Human Computer Interaction (SENG 310)
Software Development Methods (SENG 265)
Teaching Assistant
Data Mining (SENG 474/CSC 503)
Teaching Assistant
Music Retrieval Techniques (CSC 575)
Teaching Assistant